Image Rights

As part of the event for which you are registering (hereinafter ‘the Event’),

ISF/ISF France, whose registered office is at 12 rue du Rocher, 75008 Paris, may capture images (still or animated) and sound representing you

(the ‘Images and Videos’), including:

  • General and framed shots (still and filmed).  
  • Interviews (including those photographed or filmed).  
  • Still images extracted from videos.
  • Webinars.  
  • ....

By participating in the Event and entering the site on which it takes place, you:

  • authorise ISF/ISF France, as well as all ISF/ISF France entities, without reservation and without financial consideration, for the entire world, to record, or have recorded, Images and Videos representing you alone or in a group, during the Event and to reproduce, or have reproduced, and distribute, or have distributed, all Images and Videos, on any paper, digital, electronic or optical medium, known or unknown to date, by any process, without limitation as to number, including by any means of electronic communication, computer network, in whole or in part, under the conditions described below, for a period of 5 years from the date of the Event and for the following purposes:
    • Internal communication of the ISF/ISF France networks, to their staff, in any form, on the following media:  
    • its intranet site, internal networks,  
    • display screens,  
    • emailings and newsletters,  
    • production/distribution of articles and internal paper publications,  
    • ....
  • External communication by the ISF/ISF France networks, regarding their activities, services and/or the events they organise, in any form, on the following media:  
    • ✓ ISF/ISF France websites,  
    • ✓ conferences,  
    • ✓ social networks,  
    • ✓ online video platforms,  
    • ✓ emailings and newsletters,  
    • ✓ communication leaflets/brochures,  
    • ✓ display,
    • ✓ screen in an event context (screen broadcast in a public place)  
    • ✓ ...
  • expressly acknowledge that the Images and Videos, reproduced and distributed on the Internet, including on ISF/ISF France's websites, social networks and/or online video platforms, may give rise to sharing by any person having access to them and without any control by ISF/ISF France. Consequently, you acknowledge that ISF/ISF France will not be held responsible for any sharing of the Images and Videos on sites other than those used by ISF/ISF France.
  • expressly acknowledge that ISF/ISF France will have the choice, subject to respect for the image of persons and their dignity, of the Images and Videos, including the editing and any cuts.  
  • grant the same authorisation under the same terms and conditions and for the same purposes:
    • to any third party used by ISF/ISF France or an ISF/ISF France network entity, or acting on behalf of ISF/ISF France, for the above purposes, in particular a service provider commissioned by ISF/ISF France to produce and/or distribute the Images and Videos, for the purposes of capturing and/or producing and/or recording and/or exploiting the Images and Videos.  
  • acknowledge that you may not claim any copyright, intellectual property and/or performer's rights over the Images and Videos.

Specific information relating to the protection of personal data in the context of image rights:

As the data controller, ISF/ISF France collects the following personal data about you when you register for the Event and take the above-mentioned photographs and sound recordings: identification data, connection and navigation data, image (still and filmed photographs) and voice.

Purposes of processing

Your personal data is collected and processed by ISF/ISF France, the data controller, in order to carry out and manage the following operations:

  • Recording of Images and Videos: (any type of recording, for example: filming during and after conferences, workshops, seminars, conventions and/or events);
  • Reproduction and distribution of Images and Videos.
  • Exploitation of the Images and Videos for the purposes described above, which include in particular ISF/ISF France's internal and/or external communication, depending on the authorisations given and under the conditions defined above.
  • Traceability of knowledge and acceptance of the present notice.  
  • Legal basis for processing
  • Your personal data is processed on the basis of:
  • Your consent for ISF/ISF France to carry out communication actions and promote the activities of the ISF/ISF France network through Images and Videos,  
  • ISF/ISF France's legitimate interest in keeping a record of your knowledge and acceptance of these notices.

Legal basis for processing

Your personal data is processed on the basis of:

  • your consent for ISF/ISF France to carry out communication actions and promote the activities of the ISF/ISF France network through Images and Videos,  
  • ISF/ISF France's legitimate interest in keeping a record of your knowledge and acceptance of these notices.

Communication of data

Your personal data may also be communicated for the purposes mentioned above:  

  • to employees of ISF/ISF France network entities in charge of event organisation and communication,  
  • service providers appointed by ISF/ISF France in charge of filming, production and distribution of Images and Videos,
  • companies publishing social networks, online video platforms and other media used by ISF/ISF France,

Given the nature of the digital media used by ISF/ISF France (website, social networks, online video platform), you are expressly informed that the Images and Videos produced in the context of the Event may be visible outside the European Economic Area.

Data retention periods

ISF/ISF France will keep personal data for the duration of the use of the image rights granted, plus the statutory limitation periods.  

Data Protection Officer and exercise of the rights of data subjects  

In accordance with the applicable regulations relating to the protection of personal data, in particular the European Regulation 2016/679, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the national provisions relating to information technology, files and freedoms (Loi Informatique et Libertés) and subject to the conditions laid down by these regulations for the exercise of rights, when your personal data is collected, you have a right of access, a right of rectification, a right to erasure, as well as a right to object to the processing of your personal data, for reasons relating to your particular situation. You also have the right to ask for the processing of your personal data to be restricted, and the right to organise what happens to your personal data after your death.

These rights may be exercised by sending an e-mail to

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the ‘Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés’ (CNIL), if you consider that there is non-compliance with the regulations relating to the protection of personal data.

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